
Monday, June 13

DIY Glass Doily Cheeseboard

This hardly counts as a project, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from tutorializing it. I mean, look at it. It doesn't get much simpler than this. HOWEVER. I think it turned out nicely:
It's a cutting board/cheeseboard/trivet. SO FUNCTIONAL. Everyone should have a few of these. Here's the deal: it cost a dollar to make. I know, right? How-to after the jump!

The Dollar Tree has these 8-inch glass cutting boards right now.
Functional, but not very fun. I brought it home anyway and dug into my doily stash. You have one, right? You keep it with your felt scrap stash and your candlestick stash?? Right? Anyway, I also got out the old Mod Podge and a sponge brush too. From my sponge brush stash.

We're fitting the doily to the underside of the cheeseboard, so we'll need to flip it over. It's got  some handy little rubber feet to protect your countertops, so that's nice. I used an X-Acto to trim the doily around the little rubber feet and then I was ready to Podge.

Usually, I thin my Mod Podge with a bit of water, but since I'll be wiping this cheeseboard with a damp cloth after each use, I want it to be good and watertight.
 I spread a good amount of Mod Podge both under and over the doily and waited for it to dry. This took some time.
Once it dried, I thought it would be a good idea to spray a coat of clear laquer over it, so I did that. I'm pretty sure it was a waste of time, so I suggest skipping that bit. I mean, you can if you want to; I'm not the boss of you. If I had it to over again though, I'd skip it. That's all I'm saying.

And here we are! A lovely little glass doily cheeseboard. Cute as a button and it cost one dollar. Don't get me wrong, my favorite projects are the ones that make the biggest impact, but c'mon! Who doesn't love a cheap, easy project from time to time?


  1. Hi Melody-

    I love paper doilies and line everything with them. This is such a great idea. I am going to pin it ti my Pinterest board.
    My best- Diane

  2. Thanks for the pin!!

    Crafty Butt

  3. I came to see your post right away (you're next to me at Nifty T.T.) cause I loved what I saw...thank you for sharing these, it's easy, cheap and gorgeous!, I'm in!! Hugs, FABBY

  4. I love lace and doilies, this is a great and simple DIY, thanks for sharing!
    Visiting from BNOTP
    Cathy @ Room Rx

  5. Hey Melody,

    You girl, are awesome. This is such a cute idea, and like seriously how did I not think of it, he he. Love that it's so dang cheap. Great idea!!

    Thanks so much for linking up to my party :)
    I loved this so much, I featured you girl!
    Come grab a button girl, and display it proudly!

    Hugs, Bella **Features from week #41 & 42** @ Bella Before and After
    **PARTY PLANNING TUESDAYS** @ Euro Style Cakes. Party planning tips, decorations, invitations, and recipes welcome to link up.


Thanks for commenting!! I really do read them all and I greatly appreciate the feedback.