
Tuesday, December 14

5-minute cream cheese danish

I don't post too many recipes. I personally recommend Allrecipes, actually, and I rarely feel I have anything to add to the world of cuisine. But this recipe is too easy and too delicious to keep to myself.

If you have a can of crescent rolls and a package of cream cheese, you're in business.

Recipe after the jump!

Monday, December 13


I'm a huge Harry Potter Super-Fan perfectly rational person who is casually aware of this "Jerry Kotter" fellow. As someone who has sat in line for hours to catch the midnight show friends who have sat in line for hours to catch the midnight show, I thought it would be apropos to seek out Harry Potter-themed gifts for them.

Dig it:
This is the Golden Snitch Locket from Etsy seller spacepearls. Note: I am not affiliated with this seller beyond the fact that I bought six of these from her. They are so cute. She's got a ton more HP related jewelry and gifts, and they're all super cute and affordable.

Anyway, for a unique gift with a pricetag that doesn't send you into an apoplectic fit, you can really never go wrong with Etsy.

Thursday, December 9

pottery barn knock-off spoon & fork wall art

Alright. So Pottery Barn has this cool fork and spoon wall art set. I love it. I do not love so much the price tag: $279 plus &30 for shipping. Ouch. So I set out to plagiarize it.
Tutorial after the jump!

sneak peak

Time for another Pottery Barn knock off, folks! I'm working on something cool today, and I'll be tutorializing tomorrow.

For now, here's the original:

Hope I don't blow it...

Wednesday, December 8

quickie: upcycled candle holders

Do you love IBC Cream Soda? Because if you don't I'll drink that for you. Serisously, gimme!!
Sooo delish. Anyway I recently polished off a sixer of these bad boys, almost singlehandedly, and I had all these gorgeous bottles left over. So I trotted off to the Dollar Tree and purchased a bunch of tapers.

See what I made with them after the jump!

Tuesday, December 7

dollar store ornaments

Have you seen these birds at the Dollar Tree?? They're awesome:
I grabbed like a ton of them and came right home. I knew where these were gonna go. Since we moved, all  (and I literally mean ALL) of our Christmas decor is gone. GONE. I couldn't tell you where it went, just that it went somewhere that's not here.

See what I made with them after the jump!

spare canvas project

So yesterday I posted this PB knock-off tutorial. In the process, I was left with an extra 18x24 canvas. Waste not want not, I always say (I never say this). So without further ado, I present my Spare Canvas Project!!
Tutorial after the jump!

Monday, December 6

pottery barn knock-off airplane

So as I've mentioned, my family recently moved into a new (to us) house. It's a lot bigger than our last house, which has meant that we only have about 40% of the stuff we need to fill it. This has been both awesome and not awesome.

It's awesome because I get to fill all the empty spaces with new things, and not awesome because the last thing I need to do at Christmas time in a new, more expensive house is spend money filling all those empty spaces.

I have had to be creative. I have had to be bold. Above all else, I have had to be cheap.

Destructions after the jump!

Friday, December 3

i done been featured, ya'll!

I can't believe it, but my pokey little bloggie was featured on One Pretty Thing! I'm so happy I could pee.

Oops. 'Scuse me.

christmas candy shoppe

So I have about a million of these mini apothecary jars. I use a few in the bathroom: The vintage pharmacy labels are from The Graphics Fairy. Just printed them out and podged them on. Easy peasy. And there's a tutorial for the apothecary jars from Dollar Store Crafts. If you've got a tube of E-6000 glue, you've got everything you need. Yeah, two bucks apiece. Awesome. They're too easy and too cute.

And I'm sure to keep a few on hand to fill with treats and give away for those last-minute hostess gifts or birthday presents that always seem to slip my mind. Tie them with a bow and you've got a sweet little gifty.

But my favorite use for these guys is my tiny little candy shop. I put several on a shelf and fill them with seasonal candy:
I know a shelf full of candy is risky with kids around, but believe it or not, they almost don't even see it anymore. Guests love it, it's adorable, and it changes easily through the seasons. I filled them with candy corn and mini Hershey's during October, and those little candy pumpkins during Thanksgiving. Summer will find them bursting with Skittles and Red Vines.
What's that? Oh, yes, I suppose I do need to dust. Rude of you to mention it, though.